Friday, July 27, 2012

The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight Rises is arguably one of the best films of all time, and if you haven't seen it yet, then shame on you!  This film may not be as great as its predecessor, but it still holds a high quality in the movie world.  This action thriller, released on July 20th 2012, was destined to be a hit and a hit it was.  The actors and actresses that took part were the driving force to the great success including, Christian Bale, Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, and many more!

We start off slowly with the city still mourning the death of the city "hero" Harvey Dent, everything in the city seems calm and peaceful.  All thanks to the help from Commissioner Gordon (Gary Oldman) and Batman (Christian Bale) to rid Gotham's streets of evil doers, appears safe, and no longer needs the batman who has be labeled a murderer.  As Bruce Wayne keeps quite within his home, as weak and frail as he is now, he has no intention of ever bringing batman back from the ashes.

Looks can be deceiving though, no one knows that beneath this city lies in wait an assassin that has the power and the plan to destroy the entire city.  Bane (Tom Hardy) is an angry madman with society.  Escaped from a South American prison, Bane is thirsty for revenge, and is a worthy enemy considering he masters the art of Ra's Al Ghul, the same that Bruce was taught.

Bruce gets sucked in to it all when a woman named Selina (Anne Hathaway) robs his house and steals his finger prints.  Bruce starts to get his head back into the game and starts emerging from solitude and stepping into the light.  He decides to resurrect the batman, and just in time as Bane has finally made his move by blowing half the city sky high and in the process trapping hundreds of the Gotham city police under ground.  All seems lost when batman fights Bane and loses and is throw into the same South American prison in which Bane was held.  Bane takes control of the city that is in utter chaos.  Batman has to rebuild his strength physically and mentally if he ever wants to save Gotham.

All roles were played perfectly, starting off with Christian Bale.  I don't think there is much you can say except for, is there anyone else who could play the methodological character? Once again out done himself in his outstanding performance.  As Bale would say though "An actor should never be larger than the film he's in".  How about pretty close?
Michael Caine making it back as the loved by all, Bruce's butler Alfred.  Michael does a great job of portraying this part.
Morgan Freeman of course who is as rock solid as they come adds that bit of experience to these rising stars.  Playing the part of  Fox Bruce's company head and created of all the toys and gadgets that aid Bruce in his crime fighting.  Just another great movie that Freeman has dipped his hand into and turned to gold.
Gary Oldman one of my favorites is the war hero cop.  Wish we got to see more of him in this movie because he plays the part so well and is such a joy to watch.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt, a rising star in Hollywood after his breakout performance in the movie Inception.  Was quite excited to see him play a role in this movie as the cop that adds in taking down bane and is the eyes and ears of Gordon who is stuck in the hospital.  After these two great movies I think he is ready for much success in his career.
Anne Hathaway, I have to be honest have never really took much liking to as an actress.  So when I heard that she was playing the part of Selina or cat-woman I began to worry.  Though as I started to watch I was mildly impressed she took me by surprise in this movie doing a pretty good job.

The film and directing was outstanding getting all the best shots that put you right where the action is.  Lead by director Christopher NolanThe only complaint I have about the movie was batman's flying machine I found to be just a tad bit over the top and a little far fetched.  Would have been nice to just keep things somewhat practical.  Along with the beginning which started out a little to slow for my taste but ended up making up for it in the end.

The all familiar Dark Knight soundtrack makes its mark once again lead by Hans Zimmer who has contributed his musical touch to numerous movies such as Pirates of the Caribbean, The Lion King, and The Dark Knight.  Music is so important when it comes to movies and I think a lot of people forget that.  For example if you were to watch a scary movie on mute, would it seem very scary anymore?  The mood of a movie is resting all on the shoulders of the music.  Hans did a terrific job keeping the beat perfectly with the story line and really gets you into it.
Simply put The Dark Knight Rises is possible a terrific end to the Dark Knight trilogy, and will forever hold a place in our hearts.  Great story, amazing cast, and an even more impressive display of it all.